Thursday, 30 July 2015

The Expulsion Spree of the INC (part 2)

The Church of the Disunionized Union of the Disunionized. (Image source: Rappler)

Thank you to tuning in with your favorite program, the Philippine National Satire, your number one source for brain poison.  Today, we continue our quest to unravel and, unfortunately, understand the complexity of the INC death threat/hostage/kidnap/corruption controversy.  Last time, we focused on the two Manalo family members who have been expelled from the church.  Today, we focus on the other members of the disunited unity which is about to disunite others for allegedly disuniting the unity of the people disunited the the united society (I welcome your attempt at understanding that).

According to Wikipedia, both INC and ex-INC members claims there were abductions and hostage holding within the church, including the Manalo family.  Roel Rosal, INC minister who got expelled for exposing corruption, said that at least ten ministers were abducted by INC administration.

It's like the movie "Taken", but instead of a retired CIA operative, we have an expelled INC minister and instead being kidnapped by human traffickers for sexual slavery, they get kidnapped by human churchgoers for religious slavery.

The similarities is uncanny. (Image source: and TV5)

What interests me in this topic is about expelled INC minister and former editor of INC's Pasugo magazine: Isaias Samson, Jr.  He opposed Glicerios Santos, Jr., INC chief auditor, for misusing funds, Because of that, INC did this to him:
  1. He was house arrested (or in his words "illegally detained") under the supervision of armed guards WORKING FOR the INC admin.  This was allegedly known by military and police forces.  Apparently, the church has gone full MILF, and the L does not stand for "Love".
  2. His passport, computer, cellphone, and other types of communication, which is stupid.  Why would anyone consider your cellphone as a communication device.  It's more like a Clash of Clans handheld console.
  3.  He was accused of being "Antonio Ebangelista", a pseudonym used by a minister who has written critical articles which reveal online details on Church administration.  He denied being one, because his name is Isaias Samson, Jr.  Get it right, INC.
We all know that INC would deny all of that, so there's really no point in dwelling to that topic.  However, I would like to point out something about that:

  1. I did not know that "pasugo" is tagalog work of "God's message". Despite that fact, you could've worked more on the title.  Trust me on that one
  2. Trying to remove the EDITOR of YOUR publication is a BIG mistake. It is because what better way to disseminate messages than an editor, especially if that message can ruin your entire disunionized unity that you might have accidentally disunited.
  3. "Antonio Ebangelista".  That's the best name you got for a tattletale?  That is like calling me "Agapito Hampaslupa".  No matter how many times you call me that, you will still be the one getting laughed at.

Look, INC.  This is a complex situation you are delved in, but expelling your critics one by one isn't going to solve the whole problem.  It's like Youtubers banning users for commenting negatively on their videos.  It is a very d*@k move for commenters, but banning them will not stop negative comments.  In fact, it will only grow worse.

You have got to have a more peaceful yet effective solution in this problem, otherwise your union of people disunionized from other union will be disunioned by your disunioning others from the union.

This is all the reaction you are going to get from.  I need to point out that this was written on the 26th of July, 2015, and the information I have gathered dates back to the 25th of July, 2015, including the first part..  If I ever made some erroneous, factual, or intellectual property errors, please do let me know in the comments.  I just want this topic to end.  I don't even want to reread them in my own blog site (except for Ebangelista, which is a good joke).

1.) (don't judge)

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