Friday, 24 July 2015

Lies and Citizenship: Binay vs Poe's citizenship

We have to admit that we lied at some point in our life.  Lies are like a universal law.  If you see an adult human being, there is a small chance that he has never lied before.  If our lie is ever discovered, we either admit to our fault, or we cover it up with another lie.  In this situation, the most idiotic action to undertake is to deny that a lie has been made while your lie is revealed directly in front of your face, therefore making you look like an idiot.  That is why I gave myself a slap directly on my forehead when this action is committed by not only a lawyer, but also a politician and SITTING vice president of a country.

Meet Vice President Jejomar Binay, the Kokey that no one likes.  He has been on every Philippine news media for his alleged corruption involving a building, a school, and a monument of the national hero.  That sentence would have been a perfect pitch for a Philippine version of “The Wolf of Wall Street”, but that would be ridiculous.  Who would ever go balls deep with an African-American alien which speech impediment?

Binay recently made an attack on Senator Grace Poe after she announced her presidential candidacy.  Rappler even revealed a blatant lie he committed when he made that statement.  He said:

"Ayaw ko na hong makisawsaw diyan (Poe's qualifications) and, unang-una, mahal ko pa rin ho si FPJ." (I don't want to meddle with that issue, and first, I still love FPJ.)”

This was his answer to the question regarding Poe’s qualifications as presidential candidate when her citizenship is in question.  You may think that that is a very specific description on the nature of the attack that he supposedly will never do, but that is the SAME attack that he did on Poe just days ago.  He promised us, and he never even fulfilled it.

Unfortunately, that is just the tip of the iceberg.  As I mentioned, his attack is on Poe’s citizenship, which even until now is still in question for unknown reasons.  If Poe’s citizenship is ever invalid, she cannot run for president.  If you must know, Poe received a US citizenship to study abroad, however she renounced it when she ran for a public office.  This is where the argument starts.

Binay’s argument is that the US Oath of Allegience has lines stated below:

“I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen;…”

Poe said those lines, and therefore invoked her natural-born citizenship.  Here’s the problem: NO ONE EVEN DOES THAT!

No one, not even the US government, is forcing you to renounce your allegiance.  A user who goes by the name “El_Che” even elaborated that our law states that getting a dual citizenship does not remove your citizenship to this country.  The US government has no power in changing the laws of other nation, so our law still stands.  “”, a website for naturalized and native-born American citizens, also explained that there were NO US Supreme Court rulings or even a passage in the constitution where renouncement of native citizenship is requirement for naturalization. So when Poe got her US citizenship, she was still a natural-born Filipino citizen, which is part of his second argument.

Binay’s second argument is that she renounced her US citizenship in less than the years required to be a presidential candidate.  Like I said, she was still a natural-born Filipino citizen when she got her US citizenship.  That means she has more than the required years to be a presidential candidate.  You are a lawyer, yet you are being schooled in the topic of citizenship by a third year college student.  Oh, how the mighty have fallen.

Look, Binay.  I don’t know if you are just removing another obstacle for your goal of Philippine domination.  If you are going to, at least be smart when you are doing it.  You don’t answer invitations, you sued your enemies for damages in libel without even proving that there ever was a libel, and you try to attack the daughter of the person you look up to.  I am really excited for your announcement for presidency, because it will fuel my political satire lust.  Please, Binay.  Do not stop contradicting yourself and defending it with more contradictions.

Note:     If this post has ever any typographical, factual, or intellectual property errors, please do let me now in the comments.  I'll be glad to correct them so long as they are valid.


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